Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Hummingbird Vines

Different outlooks--the same flower. 

This pretty vine evidently grows in different climates.
Some Florida visitors commented on our cypress vine.  Some one called it a cardinal vine.To us in the mountains, it is a hummingbird vine.  It does attract hummingbirds.  My friend Sheila got it from her mother who got it from a friend in Charlotte.  It is truly a passalong plant.

I really like the vine.  It dies back at frost, but when early summer comes, it returns full force, coming from the hundreds of little seeds that dropped in the fall.  Later in the summer it grows vigorously but has a rather dainty appearance. 

My husband has a different outlook.  He thinks it is a pest.  It may be dainty, but it climbs up his tomato vines, the azaleas, the rosebush.  It doesn't matter if he kills a few.  There are plenty more in the yard during late summer until frost.  Incidentally, you might be careful in the late spring.  Those little emerging vines look a lot like weeds.

1 comment:

  1. So, in trying to find one to buy to plant, one just ask for a cypress vine? I have looked for them , and asked......but so many different types I suppose. hmmmmm..any suggestions as to what to tell the garden spot of stores what I am actually wanting to buy, please? ThanKS!
