Sunday, June 24, 2012

Flower or Weed?

I found this plant in checking around at my mother's no-longer-occupied house.  I haven't found it in Smoky Mountain area plant books and do not know its name.  Its blossom resembles the chaste tree which grows in my yard.  Does anyone know its name?

Snapdragon Bargains

At the end of the growing season in October I make it a point to buy some carryover plants. 

Pansies, dianthus (pinks),and snapdragons can be put out in the fall with the expectation that they will bloom well into the next summer. 

 I paid 25 cents each for several six-packs of these plants.  This is the second time these orangy snapdragons have bloomed this summer.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Sheltered Tomatoes

Our potted tomatoes have become a bit spoiled. This shelter is to protect them from the sun, not the rain.

The ones planted here and there have to fend for themselves

Ironically, the two sheltered ones have developed brown spots on the maturing tomatoes.

Oops, I am late publishing.  A small blog problem.