Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Smoke Bush

This pairing of plants happened quite by accident as I needed places for both and just put them next to each other.  The blue clematis provides a nice contrast for the smoke bush.

 They barely escaped a recent frost.  Two years ago the clematis was badly frozen.

Monday, April 23, 2012


Mid-April is a bit early for tomatoes in our area.  Tommy has kept these in the greenhouse most of the time, letting them sit outside when the temperature is as unseasonably warm as it has been.  Notice the small tomatoes.  I hope they don't succumb to blossom-end rot or some other malady of early tomatoes.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Mallard Duck

The mallard is said to be the most populous wild duck in the world.  The female is rather nondescript with  mottled brown feathers.  The  male is extremely noticeable with a bright green head and a white neck circle. 

These were swimming along the Little Tennessee River Greenway.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Mamie Keith Rose

I talked earlier about the rose that Mamie Keith gave my mother about fifty years ago. 

I rooted some cuttings and this strong rose is still around.  It recently survived a late frost and this is an early blossom. 

It is not a tea rose or a rambler, just a pretty long-blooming rose.

Friday, April 20, 2012


The buckeye is poisonous, which is why my friend gave it to me.  She was afraid her cattle would eat it.  It is hardy and grows to a small tree size over several years.  It is a member of the horse chestnut family and is supposed to attract birds and butterflies, but mine is tucked in a shady corner and I have not noticed these visitors.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Canada Goose

Another trip to the Greenway along the Little Tennessee River and we ran into the Canada goose.

 Uusually they travel in pairs, sometimes swimming along the river and other times diving for food.

 The distinctive ring and head design help to identify this goose with the male and the female being similar.  

They live year-round in the same area, not being prone to migrate.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Plow Flowers

The old-fashioned plow named Pete has settled in again in our flower bed.  A pink clematis is on the post and a blue one is getting ready to bloom on the plow.  A primrose and fescue are in the foreground.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Greenway Birds

We have been walking on the Greenway several times a week.  My husband takes his camera most days to look for  feathered friends.  The great blue heron was standing on a sand bar and almost blended in with the background.  His long legs helped to identified him.  He is not an everyday sight, but is seen fairly often.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Another Garden Ornament from the Church Bazaar

My husband just fixed this fellow up with a fishing pole and line so that he can fish with the bear next to him. 

He is another tacky treasure from the bazaar.

Sunday, April 8, 2012


The large bright pink azalea in the back yard is beautiful.  It is early, and we had better enjoy it because there is a good chance of a freeze early next week.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Fish Ponds

We finally got around to cleaning out our small fish pond and removing lots of plants from around it. 

Now the fish are more visible.  They have come up to eat the little pieces of food, and the water is swirling a bit as they move around. 

The little water lily leaves are beginning to reappear.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Lamium Again

I am glad to see that the yellow lamium I planted last year in the flower boxes on the front steps has returned this early spring.  Having the lamium return is much easier than redoing the boxes every year.  They did get a bit straggly at the end of last summer.