Sunday, October 23, 2011

Christmas Gifts

My children have to look for something interesting for Christmas.  They found these interesting bird feeders and glass balls for my flower bed. 

Surprisingly the glass balls have survived two summers of use. 

I got the feeders last Christmas but put off using them until a bear destroyed our big feeder recently.  It turned out that the squirrels didn't climb the new feeders and the bear hasn't found them yet and the birds love them.

Well, I hate to add this news.  Last night the bear or bears carried off the two feeders in the lower left picture.

A little good news.  My husband just found one feeder--only a little worse for wear.  One is still missing.  I'll search before any more leaves fall.  I'll have to let the birds go hungry for a while.

1 comment:

  1. I'm thinking bear repellent might be a good gift this year.
