Friday, January 27, 2012

Slow Greenhouse Progress

The weather finally improved early this week for a start on our greenhouse.

 We did ok putting together the aluminum frame until the little pegs used as joiners gave us a bit of trouble. 

We quit for the night to try to figure how to get the pegs in their grooves.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Greenhouse Progress

Finally the base for our greeenhouse is completed after a spell of cold and/or wet weather.  We are ready to put it together if we ever have a nice day.  If the greenhouse ever collapses or we get tired of it, we will have a nice sitting area.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


We, or rather my husband, finally got started on the greenhouse. 

We got a prefab 8x8 online from Home Depot, which charged 25% less for the same one we were looking at earlier at Lowe's, and with free shipping.

It won't be as sturdy as if we had built it from scratch, but I suspect it may outlast us. The base is strong, built of treated lumber.  If the greenhouse ever succumbs to the weather, the base will be great as a low-lying deck. Work has stopped since it has been raining and is going to rain tomorrow.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Christmas Bird Feeder

I got a pretty new bird feeder with a colored glass cover for Christmas.   It was just the right size to replace the hummingbird feeder outside my picture window while those little friends are visiting warmer climates. 

The new feeder has been very popular.  Favorite visitors include the titmouse and the chickadee--sometimes several at one time.

The only problem is that a squirrel has decided to undertake the impossible task of getting to the feeder.  He hasn't given up as you can see by his yearning look in the picture.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Christmas Gifts

Christmas was good this year.  I need to report on my gifts. 

We are getting a new greenhouse this year.  When my son arrived with his gifts, he told my husband he had a large package for me in his car. When my husband helped with the unloading, he discovered the twin to his gift that was already in the garage.  It turned out that both had bought the same exact plant cart on-line. 

Of course it was a very suitable gift--an obvious one since both found it independently.

I asked my husband how he managed a picture with our summer hostas behind the cart.  I was dumb.  Obviously it is the picture from the box.

I didn't learn about this until the next week.  My husband returned his, an accomplishment that required some effort.

It is obviously something I will appreciate having.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Christmas Favorite

I must show you the nicest thing about our Christmas, our grandson Alex, who is 14 1/2 months old.

Poinsettia Failure

Well, I mentioned trying to revive a poinsettia.

 It was really healthy outside during the summer.  I thought the dark garage might work for producing Christmas beauty.  It did not.  I guess a dark closet
for ten hours a night might have worked better.

 This plant is off to the compost pile.