Yes, I called it a spider weed, not a spider flower, or cleome. My husband refers to it even more unpleasantly as it takes over our little garden space and reaches out to grab him with little stickers.
It seeds itself like a weed. It drops hundreds of seeds from its little pods and takes over territories of other flowers. So why don't I fight it harder? The flower in the picture is not a fair show of its beauty. A large pink crowd of them is beautiful. Notice that the flower in the picture is past its prime with little seed pods mixing with the blossoms.
Where did I get mine? I don't know. It may have just wandered in with a friendly bird, which can be a member of the passalong plant crowd. Oh, I guess there is progress in marketing. I saw one single plant in a garden center priced $5.95. 
This white spider weed is less common and is
from a pack of seeds I bought.
This white spider weed is less common and is
from a pack of seeds I bought.
I have finally found the name of this plant! Thank you. I am doing some gardening for an elderly lady at my church and she said these flowers were in her mother's garden and she loved them.